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Authors: Nascimento, Marradhna Gley Oliveira
Title: Financiamento de campanha e prestação de contas eleitorais: um estudo das inconsistências apresentadas nos processos tramitados na Comarca de Arraias/TO nas eleições municipais de 2020
Keywords: Eleições municipais;Financiamento eleitoral;Prestação de contas;Inconsistências eleitorais
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2024
Citation: NASCIMENTO, Marradhna Gley Oliveira. Financiamento de campanha e prestação de contas eleitorais: um estudo das inconsistências apresentadas nos processos tramitados na Comarca de Arraias/TO nas eleições municipais de 2020. 94 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Bacharelado em Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2024.
Abstract: This project aims to investigate electoral financing and campaign accountability in the 2020 municipal elections in the District of Arraias/TO, being fundamental aspects to guarantee the transparency and integrity of electoral financial movements, which were assessed based on the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Political Parties Law (1995), the Elections Law (1997) and considering Resolution n. 23.607/2019, which was in force during the period of the election analyzed. Thus, through bibliographical and documentary research, the work seeks to understand how the processes of campaign financing and electoral accountability take place in the District of Arraias/TO, taking as an analysis the 2020 municipal elections. This research shows that public financing of electoral campaigns and electoral oversight through electoral accountability are fundamental issues for political-electoral processes to occur in a transparent, integral, and honest manner.
Appears in Collections:Direito

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