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Autor(a): SILVA, Tailinny Alves da
Título: Os desafios e impactos do registro civil tardio no brasil: Uma análise das barreiras burocráticas, culturais e jurídicas no acesso aos direitos fundamentais
Palavras-chave: Registro civil tardio no Brasil;Direito ao nome;Impactos sociais;Políticas públicas
Data do documento: 13-Fev-2025
Citação: SILVA, Tailinny Alves da. Os desafios e impactos do registro civil tardio no brasil: Uma análise das barreiras burocráticas, culturais e jurídicas no acesso aos direitos fundamentais. 54 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2025.
Abstract: The work entitled investigates the phenomenon of civil under-registration in Brazil, its causes and consequences for citizenship and access to fundamental rights. The study highlights that civil registration is the first formal link between the individual and the State, being essential for the exercise of full citizenship. Furthermore, the work analyzes the historical evolution of civil registration in Brazil, highlighting the impact of the relationship between Church and State during the colonial and imperial period, and the subsequent secularization with the 1891 Constitution. Its research object is the reflection that, despite legal advances, such as free registration provided for in Law No. 9,534/1997, challenges persist, especially in remote regions and for vulnerable groups, such as indigenous and quilombola communities. For this analysis, the work, using qualitative research methodology, through bibliographical research, discusses the social impacts of late registration, including social exclusion, legal invisibility and the psychological effects resulting from the lack of legal recognition. In conclusion, the lack of registration limits access to essential public services, such as health and education, and perpetuates cycles of poverty and marginalization. Furthermore, public policies aimed at eradicating under-registration are analyzed, highlighting the need for integrated actions between different government bodies and the implementation of innovative solutions, such as mobile registrations and the digitalization of services, in order to guarantee civil registration for all It is a question of social justice and human dignity, fundamental to building a more inclusive and equitable society.
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