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Authors: Silva, Aline Ribeiro
Title: Racismo estrutural e o acesso de pessoas negras à educação
Keywords: Educação;Racismo estrutural;Desigualdade social;Políticas públicas
Issue Date: 12-Feb-2025
Citation: SILVA, Aline Ribeiro. Racismo estrutural e o acesso de pessoas negras à educação. 65 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Bacharelado em Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2025.
Abstract: This research aims to discuss racial inequality in access to education in Brazil, focusing on the role of structural racism. The research combines a quantitative analysis of data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD Contínua) with a literature review on the topic. Initially, a historical context of Brazilian education is carried out, highlighting how constitutions and educational laws have been historically shaped by a context of racial inequality, perpetuating barriers to education for black and brown people. Next, the research investigates the educational public policies implemented in the country, with emphasis on affirmative actions, and analyzes data from PNAD Contínua to identify existing disparities in access to education between white and black people, highlighting the persistence of mechanisms that hinder racial equality in the educational field. In addition, the monograph presents the concept of structural racism and its mechanisms in accordance with the bibliography, and highlights the role of meritocracy in the naturalization of racial inequality. The research results demonstrate that structural racism is a significant obstacle to the access of black and brown people to quality education. The analysis reveals the complexity of racial inequality in the Brazilian educational system, which manifests itself in different dimensions, such as school dropout and academic performance. The results obtained contribute to the debate on the need for more effective actions to overcome racial inequality in access to education.
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