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Autor(a): SILVA, Cláudio Amado da
Título: Trajetória da remição de pena pela leitura no Estado do Tocantins. Estudo de caso na Unidade Penal de Arraias
Palavras-chave: Direito à leitura;Remissão depena;Tocantins;Arraias
Data do documento: 10-Fev-2025
Citação: SILVA, Cláudio Amado da. Trajetória da remissão de pena pela leitura no Estado do Tocantins. Estudo e caso na Unidade Penal de Arraias. 48 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2025.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the trajectory of sentence reduction through reading within the penal system of the State of Tocantins, Brazil, providing a brief historical overview of the evolution of this practice in the country until the issuance of Resolution No. 391/2021 by the National Council of Justice (CNJ). Additionally, a case study is conducted on the implementation of sentence reduction through reading at the Arraias Penal Unit. Sentence reduction through reading has been a subject of debate within the Brazilian justice system, culminating in the aforementioned resolution by the CNJ, which sought to regulate the matter, given that prior legislation only guaranteed the right to reading, leading to jurisprudential divergences regarding the possibility of sentence reduction through this practice. In Tocantins, sentence reduction through reading was established through administrative ordinances, in the absence of specific state legislation, facing challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, including a lack of classrooms and libraries. The case study of the Arraias Penal Unit revealed that, although the project is implemented in compliance with current legislation, persistent challenges—such as the absence of a library, scarcity of books, and insufficient physical space—limit its effectiveness.
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