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Authors: ASHIDA, Caroline Yukari
Title: Perfilamento racial e nulidade das provas produzidas em abordagem policial
Keywords: Perfilamento racial;Abordagem policial;Racismo;Sistema penal
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2024
Citation: ASHIDA, Caroline Yukari. Perfilamento Racial e Nulidade de Provas Produzidas em Abordagem Policial. 61 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2024.
Abstract: This Final Paper seeks to critically analyze the troubled configuration of the Brazilian penal system: racialized social control. Historically marked by discriminatory practices, the country's justice system insists on operating as a mechanism for the exclusion and criminalization of minority racial groups, especially through personal searches based solely on an unjustified “suspicious attitude”. As a result, the validity of the evidence obtained in this context can be questioned, as this phenomenon known as racial profiling not only has a significant impact on the lives of the victims, but also on the bonds of social cohesion and the integrity of the legal system. Therefore, from this academic study, we hope to instigate the reader's reflection on the structures that sustain the criminal justice system and the violation of the fundamental rights of black people that occur under the cloak of public security, in a scenario of constant racial injustices that are seen and instinctively ignored by many.
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